Este es el último modelo que he acabado.
Se trata de un M113a1 canadiense durante las maniobras Reforger de la OTAN a principios de los 80 en la República federal alemana. Las Reforger (REturn FOrces to GErmany) eran ejercicios anuales, durante la guerra fría, que pretendian garantizar un rápido despliegue de tropas en alemania occidental en el caso de conflicto con el pacto de Varsovia.
This is the latest finished model.
This is a Canadian M113A1 during the Reforger NATO exercises in the early 80 in West Germany.
Reforger exercise (REturn FOrces to GErmany) was an annual exercise conducted, during the Cold War, by NATO. The exercise was intended to ensure that NATO had the ability to quickly deploy forces o West Germany in the event of a conflict with the Warsaw Pact.
Se trata de un vehículo de mantenimiento de artilleria mecanizada de la "Royal canadian horse artillery", en este caso 1er batallón bajo el 4CMBG (4º Canadian Mechanized brigade group).
This is a mechanized artillery maintenance vehicle of "Royal canadian horse artillery", in this case under the 4CMBG 1st Battalion (4th Canadian Mechanized Brigade group).
Estas son las fotografías que tomé como referencia. Me llamó mucho la atención el color naranja que se utilizaba para distinguir del bando "agresor" durante las maniobras.
Cuando acabé de pintar el modelo, tuve mis dudas acerca del ensuciado. No quería llegar al extremo del vehículo de la fotografía de la izquierda, pero tampoco podía dejar limpio un vehículo durante unas maniobras.
These are the pictures I took as reference. Caught my attention the orange color which was used to distinguish the side "aggressor" during exercises.
When I finished painting the model, I had my doubts about the dirty. I didn't want to get to the end of the vehicle from the photograph on the left, but I could not leave a clean vehicle.
En cuanto al color, el resultante puede parecer algo diferente. Aunque en parte sea debido a la fotografía, existieron muchas variedades en los tonos del camuflaje.
Sobretodo a inicios de los 80, convivieron vehículos con los colores iniciales y los colores más tardíos. El vehículo que he querido representar, pretende ser un M113 veterano de los 70 con el buen mantenimiento que disfrutan los vehículos modernos.
For the color, the resultant may seem different. Although it is partly due to my photo camera, there were many varieties in shades of camouflage.
Especially in the early 80s, lived together vehicles with the initial colors and the late colors. The vehicle that I wanted to represent, intended to be a veteran M113 of the 70 decade. This vehicle enjoy the good maintenance of modern vehicles.
For the color, the resultant may seem different. Although it is partly due to my photo camera, there were many varieties in shades of camouflage.
Especially in the early 80s, lived together vehicles with the initial colors and the late colors. The vehicle that I wanted to represent, intended to be a veteran M113 of the 70 decade. This vehicle enjoy the good maintenance of modern vehicles.
Colores de camuflaje a mediados de los 80 Camouflage colors in the mid of 80s |
Colores del camuflaje a finales de los 70 Camouflage colors in the mid of 70s |
I don't like to finish a vehicle without including a figure. I think a human figure is the perfect reference for any scale model viewer.
Una vista general:
An overview:
Some details:
Algunos detalles:
La parte trasera, está intensamente trabajada
The back side is intensely worked |
Barro seco y empolvado intenso característicos en Verano
Characteristic dry mud and dust in summer |