Estas dos figuras van a ser la tripulación del Challenger II que podéis ver aquí. Representan dos soldados británicos desplegados en los Balcanes durante la guerra de Kosovo. Visten un uniforme con el característico esquema DPM britanico, modelo 95. Están enteramente pintados con pinturas acrílicas de Vallejo.
One year ago, Oscar Ebrí offered me a joint project. A Challenger II with his crew. I did not hesitate to accept because my figures, could not have better frame that a tank painted by Oscar!
These two figures will be the crew of the Challenger II you can see here. They represent two British soldiers deployed in Balkans during the Kosovo war. They wear a uniform with the characteristic British DPM 95. They are painted with Vallejo acrylic paints.
Es la primera vez que pinto este esquema de camuflaje. Me ha resultado complicado, principalmente porque los colores pueden variar mucho y además existen infinidad de patrones dependiendo del momento en que fueron confeccionados. Finalmente, estoy satisfecho con el resultado...i no será el último que pinte!
It is the first time I paint this camouflage scheme. It has been difficult, mainly because the colors can vary greatly, and there are plenty of patterns depending on the time they were made. Finally, I am pleased with the result ... It wont be the last which I paint!
Las excelentes cabezas de Hornet, son una delicia a la hora de pintar.
The excellent Hornet heads are a delight to paint.