La maqueta es el sdkfz6/2 de Trumpeter, muy parca en detalles y con algunos errores evidentes. No fue mi intención hacer un montaje perfecto sino montar rápido una maqueta sencilla y probar técnicas de pintura que no osaba probar en modelos más detallados y cuidados.
A lo largo de cuatro kitmeets estuve probando nuevas técnicas y trucos. El resultado final no es tan ortodoxo como intento habitualmente pero creo que ha quedado atractivo y me ha ayudado a aprender mucho!
I could choose many, but this famous German half-life is perhaps one of my favorites among all the vehicles that could be seen at the beginning of the Second World War.
The model is the Trumpeter sdkfz6 / 2, very sparse in details and with some obvious errors. It was not my intention to make a perfect assembly with full detailed model. My intention was to quickly assemble a simple model and try painting techniques that I did not dare to try in more detailed and careful models.
Throughout four kitmeets I have tested new techniques and tricks. The end result is not as orthodox as I usually try but I think it has been attractive and it has helped me learn a lot!
Una vez acabado, hice una pequeña escena que representase el ambiente que se podría respirar en el caluroso verano de 1941, en los aledaños de un París ocupado, por dos tranquilos servidores de la Luftwafe durante el mantenimiento de su vehículo:
Once finished, I made a small scene that represented the atmosphere that could be breathed in the hot summer of 1941, in the outside of a ocuppeied Paris, by two calm servants of the Luftwafe during the maintenance of his vehicle: