The Gordons Highlanders se crearon en 1794 por el cuarto duque de Gordon como regimiento de infantería de montaña. Originalmente designado el 100 regimiento de infantería y más adelante el 92, el regimiento fue nombrado oficialmente "The Gordon Highlanders" en 1881. La mayoría de los reclutas eran originarios de la tierra de Gordon en el noroeste de Escocia. Se dice que la Duquesa ofreció un beso como incentivo para unirse al Regimiento de su marido.
The Gordon Highlanders was raised in 1794 by the 4th Duke of Gordon as a regiment of Highland Foot. Originally designated the 100th Regiment of Foot and later the 92nd, the regiment was officially named "The Gordon Highlanders" in 1881. Many of the original recruits were drawn from the Gordon estates in the Nordwest of Scotland. The Duchess is said to have offered a kiss as an incentive to join her husband's Regiment.
El Gordon Highlander estuvo presente y fue ejemplar, en todas las guerras que vio Inglaterra hasta el año 1994. Es obligatorio mencionar que vivió momentos históricos, desde la derrota de Napoleón en Waterloo, hasta la derrota de Rommel en el norte de Africa. Durante la Primera Guerra Mundial cerca de 50000 miembros del Gordon sirvieron con distinción dentro del ejercito y de estos aproximadamente 27000 fueron muertos o heridos.
The Gordon Highlander was present and was exemplary in all the wars that England saw until 1994. It is mandatory to mention that it lived historical moments, from the defeat of Napoleón in Waterloo, until the defeat of Rommel in North Africa. During World War I about 50,000 members of the Gordon served with distinction within the army, and of these approximately 27,000 were killed or injured.
The Gordon Highlander was present and was exemplary in all the wars that England saw until 1994. It is mandatory to mention that it lived historical moments, from the defeat of Napoleón in Waterloo, until the defeat of Rommel in North Africa. During World War I about 50,000 members of the Gordon served with distinction within the army, and of these approximately 27,000 were killed or injured.
soldiers of the Gordon, during a march, at the beginning of the first world war |
La excelente figura de Tommy's war, se encuadra en este conflicto, situada en el verano de 1914, durante la batalla de Le Cateau, en Francia. Un soldado del primer batallón de los gordon highlanders, acaba de llegar a las trincheras después de la retirada de los británicos tras la batalla de Mons. Los Ingleses establecieron posiciones defensivas. Es el inicio de la infame guerra de trincheras característica de la primera guerra mundial.
The excellent Tommy's war figure, is located in this conflict, in the summer of 1914, during the battle of Le Cateau, in France. A soldier of the first battalion of the gordon highlanders, just arrived at the trenches, after the withdrawal of the British after the battle of Mons. The british established defensive positions. It is the beginning of the infamous trench warfare, characteristic of the First World War.
soldiers of the Gordon Higlanders 1st reg. in a trench |
Para acompañar a tan buena figura, he intentado representar los tópicos de las trincheras, barro, sacos terrenos, alambradas o latas para ametralladoras. Inicialmente pensé en ensuciar más la figura, pero a medida que avanzaba fui perdiendo las ganas, aún así no la dejé impoluta, aunque casi... El color de la guerrera no es exactamente el original. Le di un toque verdoso, influenciado por el gran trabajo de Juanma Vergara, que me inspiró, para buscar esta figura y hacer mi propia versión.
To accompany such a good figure, I have tried to represent the topics of trenches as mud, earthen bags, wire fences or tins for the machine gun. Initially I thought to paint a dirty figure, but as I went, I was losing my first intention. Finally, I did not leave it completly clean but almost... The color of the jacket is not exactly the original. I gave it a greenish touch, influenced by the great work ofJuanma Vergara, who inspired me, to look for this figure and make my own version.
Os dejo unas fotos desde diferentes puntos de vista:
I leave you some pictures from different points of view:
I leave you some pictures from different points of view:
Y hechando un vistazo más de cerca:
And taking a closer look:
The gordon highlanders Museum (